Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's the difference between a zoologist and wildlife biologist?

I have been curious about the two because I want to major in some sort of animal science of the sort.What's the difference between a zoologist and wildlife biologist?
zoologist focus in zoo, how animals addecuate to in while wildlife managment or biologist as you say studies species in there natural habitatWhat's the difference between a zoologist and wildlife biologist?
Zoology is the branch of biology which deals with animals- like botany is the branch which deals with plants. A wildlife biologist is a zoologist who specialises in wildlife and all the ecological elements involved.
Well, zoology is the broader study of animal life - it's the counterpart to botany, the study of plant life.

Wildlife biology is usually focused upon macrobiology (larger animals) and their interaction with their environments. In a sense, it's like a specialty within biology.

Zoology majors probably have a wider set of options, including medicine (human or veterinary), microbiology or genetics research, environmental science (though there are also more specific degrees in that field) and even wildlife management and research. As I said, wildlife biology is a more focused field within zoology, so unless you're pretty sure you want to focus upon that aspect of biology/zoology, then you should probably start with the broader Zoology program.

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