Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is the best camera for wildlife shots?

Is the newest Nikon coolpix camera any good?What is the best camera for wildlife shots?
you want a camera with a fast first shot.alot of cameras can take multiple sots quickly,but if it takes a second or two seconds to start the pictures,then you may have missed the deer jumping over the fence .see if you can buy extra equipment for the camera,like a zoom lense or extra lighting.there are lots of variables.take your time selecting a camera for your can do tons of stuff with a camera you enjoy.What is the best camera for wildlife shots?
Unfortunately, the coolpix lineup of cameras are not the way to go for wildlife photography. Wildlife usually requires lenses that are more toward the upper end of the telephoto range (450mm and up). Most ';point and shoot'; cameras top out in the 300 to 350mm equivalent range. The longer lenses also require a coordinated control of ISO, shutter speed and aperture, again, not something that all point and shoots can do.

This really is the domain of the SLR/DSLR camera body and the appropriate selection of lenses, tripod and related gear.
For taking wildlife pictures, i suggest a film camera... a 35mm. Film captures the images just as you see them, and gives a warmer look.

You should probabally use a quicker speed film, like 200 or 400.

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